How to Coach Someone in 60 Seconds or Less
COACHING TAKES TOO LONG! If you believe this, you’re not coaching. Are you interrogating your team or collaborating with them?
COACHING TAKES TOO LONG! If you believe this, you’re not coaching. Are you interrogating your team or collaborating with them?
Conflict resolution skills? What if there was no longer such a thing as conflict and confrontation but rather connection, creativity
If you want to know why your salespeople aren’t selling, stop looking at your sales team and start looking in
QUITTING IS GOOD! Sometimes… To create a thriving business and a great life, learn to master the Art of Abandonment.
The most important thing missing: THE COACHING MINDSET AND SKILL-SET! The skill and mindset of coaching isn’t only essential for
There’s this belief in the business community that the latest, cutting edge software leads to increased, sales, revenue and retention.
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Keith Rosen is the #1 thought leader on coaching. He is the pioneer of management coach training, inductee in the inaugural group of the Top Sales Hall of Fame and bestselling author of Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions and SALES LEADERSHIP.
SALES LEADERSHIP was named one of Amazon's Top Ten Sales and Coaching Books of the Year!
Download your copy of Keith’s new book, The 7 Types of Coaching Questions.