Why The Seduction of Potential Will Destroy Your Team, Lose More Sales and Threaten Your Sanity
Deciding who to hire, who to let go, and when it’s the right time to do so is a daunting
Deciding who to hire, who to let go, and when it’s the right time to do so is a daunting
For any coaching initiative to be effective and long-lasting within your organization, there are important obstacles that managers and internal
The coaching relationship is a choice, not an obligation. That is, managers need to choose to make coaching their priority
Managers and executives who fail to accept 100% accountability for their teams are at the root of all hiring, coaching,
If you want to increase the impact of your communication and presentations, it’s your responsibility to make sure that 100%
The most effective way to teach others—our employees, clients, even family members—is to exemplify that which we want to teach.
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Keith Rosen is the #1 thought leader on coaching. He is the pioneer of management coach training, inductee in the inaugural group of the Top Sales Hall of Fame and bestselling author of Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions and SALES LEADERSHIP.
SALES LEADERSHIP was named one of Amazon's Top Ten Sales and Coaching Books of the Year!
Download your copy of Keith’s new book, The 7 Types of Coaching Questions.