STOP STRESSING! How to Maintain a Positive Attitude While Dealing With Stress
STOP STRESSING! As if telling someone this actually helps. Here’s a universal law. What you focus on grows. It defines
STOP STRESSING! As if telling someone this actually helps. Here’s a universal law. What you focus on grows. It defines
It’s been a constant debate over the difference between mentoring and coaching. I hope this clarifies things. The biggest challenge
Keith Rosen · The Art of Coaching: A New Perspective on Leadership EVENT DESCRIPTION: Ever wonder how some managers
Here’s my experience how listening builds trust and creates coaching breakthroughs. I just finished a coaching session with one of
Every manager has been in this difficult position, which has been further exasperated by our remote workforce. That is, “How
A Global Epidemic I was talking with a WW head of sales and their sales enablement team. They said they
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Keith Rosen is the #1 thought leader on coaching. He is the pioneer of management coach training, inductee in the inaugural group of the Top Sales Hall of Fame and bestselling author of Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions and SALES LEADERSHIP.
SALES LEADERSHIP was named one of Amazon's Top Ten Sales and Coaching Books of the Year!
Download your copy of Keith’s new book, The 7 Types of Coaching Questions.