More than 82% of companies work in silos, with each function making its own decisions on which capabilities matter most. What are some ways Sales Managers can demonstrate effective cross-departmental collaboration?
Dealing with difficult conversations or conflicts at work can be challenging and stressful. However, it can also be an opportunity to learn, grow, and strengthen relationships and results. How do you approach these conversations and conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner? Preparation, choosing the right time and place, active and empathetic listening, clear and respectful speaking, focusing on solutions and agreements, and following up and following through are all addressed. How do these tips apply to your work environment?
More than 82% of companies work in silos, with each function making its own decisions on which capabilities matter most. When different departments and teams focus solely on their team-specific goals, the goals of one team often clash with the objectives of another. This creates siloed, stressful, unproductive environments resistant to information-sharing and helping.
What if you can initiate just ONE conversation that will begin to break down these costly company silos? Here’s the coaching talk track to set positive intent and facilitate this conversation, one which you’ve probably never had. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be dealing with toxic silos in your company. 😉 Here are nine question to help create collaboration instead of conflict.
Remember, if you’re initiating a conversation, it’s imperative you set positive intent so people know here’s an enrollment statement to position this conversation, create trust, and
“What I want for you is to feel I am a resource who supports you to achieve your goals. Since we’re in different departments (roles) and are evaluated by different metrics, I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye when relying on each other to get our jobs done.
We have different priorities and points of view, and I may not have always given yours the respect it deserves. So, I’m asking for your forgiveness. That’s why I can use your help. I’d like to hit the reset button on our relationship and redesign how we work together so we can support each other to achieve all our goals. Are you open to discussing?”
Once you have buy-in around this conversation, here are questions to create positive departmental relationships.
- I’d love to learn more about your role. Can you share more about what your role and responsibilities entail?
- How is your performance measured? By what criteria?
- What part of the work we collaborate on is most difficult/stressful/frustrating for you?
- What do we need to do to work together in the most productive way?
- If I need you, what’s your response time to avoid me putting more pressure on you?
- How do you typically like to communicate?
How can I best support you in your role?
What can we do to maintain our positive relationship?
If we notice an issue or we’re reverting to toxic behavior, knowing our positive intent, can we come up with a way to communicate this without offending each other?
Keep in mind there is more language you can use to create trust and demonstrate vulnerability, authenticity and transparency.
Here are seven vulnerability Based Statements That Check Your Ego and (Re)Build Trust, Relationships & Conversations. How do you demonstrate authenticity, vulnerability, and care in a conversation? Own it. This way you have the power to change it. 👉The good news is, you can always reset a conversation, by beginning with the following phrase:
“After thinking and reflecting on and our last conversation/interaction,”
1. I apologize for..
2. I’m sorry.
3. I can really use your help.
4. It’s my fault we had that argument. I own that and want to make it right. Can we hit the reset button on that conversation so I can better support you?
5. I feel I’ve said a few things that weren’t fair to you and did you a disservice.
6. I said some things that…
7. I take full responsibility.
Reality is created in language
When you change the conversation, you change the outcome. The good news is, it’s all in your power.