Capital One Interview – How to Sell and Succeed as a Remote Salesperson

The New Sales Strategy – CARE. Regardless of industry, every company and sales team have been impacted by the shift in the marketplace. The best companies and salespeople aren’t doing more of what didn’t work yesterday.

Instead, they’re giving their sales process an overhaul so they can align how buyers are buying in today’s climate, so they can sell more today.

Doing so requires changing the conversations you’re having with your customers in order to develop deeper relationships and the TRUST you and your customers need to thrive.


P.S. – I’m personally taking on 10 coaching clients for my private practice. (I’ll never top coaching leaders, whether in a coach training course or one on one. It’s too much fun and way too rewarding!) If you’re interested, make sure we’re connected on LinkedIn, send me a note, or email me at and we’ll schedule a call to see if there’s a fit.