Believing is Seeing or Seeing is Believing?

Believing is Seeing or Seeing is Believing? How many times have you heard someone say, “I’ll believe it when I see it?” You decide.

There was a postmaster who knew everyone in the small town where he lived. A new family moved into the town and asked the postmaster what kind of people live here.

He answered them with a question, “What kind of people do you think you’ll find?”

The woman said, “Well, we had problems with the people in the town we just left. I suppose it will be the same here.”

The postmaster replied, “You’re probably right.”

Soon, another family moved into the town and asked the postmaster the same question.

Again, he responded, “What kind of people do you expect to find here?”

They answered, “The folks in the town we left were great. We hated to leave. We hope we’ll find people just like them.”

The postmaster responded, “I’m sure you will. You’ll love it here.”

As this wise man knew, even though people say, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” the truth is, “I’ll see it when I believe it.”

What You Focus on Grows

What we believe in our heart, our mind, our perception of ourselves, and other people will always influence our outward attitude, beliefs, behavior, the decisions we make, and ultimately the experiences we have and the results we get.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t want to happen, start focusing on what you want most in your life. Either you’re living from fear and scarcity, or abundance, core values, and your personal vision.

That’s why, how you think is always what you get and what you believe will manifest in your life.

PS – Given it’s Thanksgiving week, I decided to focus on #gratitude and our #attitude, to bring more joy and significance in our lives. Hope you enjoy. Happy holidays.


P.S. – I’m personally taking on 10 coaching clients for my private practice. (I’ll never top coaching leaders, whether in a coach training course or one on one. It’s too much fun and way too rewarding!) If you’re interested, make sure we’re connected on LinkedIn, send me a note, or email me at and we’ll schedule a call to see if there’s a fit.