Are you setting your team up to thrive or simply survive? Discover how important the words you speak and behavior you display are to the success of your team. After all, avalanches roll downhill.
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The most effective way to teach others, our employees, clients, even family is to exemplify that which we want to teach. From the time you walk into the office, your appearance and disposition, as well as how you handle problems, talk to clients, complete tasks and projects, your work ethic, and how you demonstrate your commitment to your people as their manager, sends a message to your staff.
Managers need to think beyond their spoken word and evaluate their behavior to fully identify the overall message they are sending to their staff.
Here is a hard, but rewarding truth. Businesses take on the complexion of the owner and management. Both their strengths, as well as their weaknesses. You can’t expect your team to go the extra mile, feel great about their work, and be highly organized and fully accountable for their performance if their leader is not. The greatest leaders know that in order to have a profound impact on others, they need to change themselves first. You owe it to yourself as well as to your team.
You have a responsibility that transcends monthly numbers or year-end sales targets. You create the atmosphere and culture amongst your team. You develop the parameters that determine exactly how effective your team can be each day. Do you model the behavior, values and characteristics that you want your people to aspire to and emulate or are you a walking contradiction? Are you setting them up to thrive, or simply survive?
Remember, it is not the company that makes the person; it is the person that makes the company. It’s always who you are and how you show up that’s more important than just what you do. Being genuine and vulnerable doesn’t mean putting yourself in harms way. It means honoring who you really are and being human. It means being the consistent you; and that the person you are are at work is the same person you are at home. That’s how the world’s greatest leaders foster the deep, trusting relationships they have with their people.
When you have the power to make a difference in just one person’s life, you are a leader.