Top 10 Areas to Focus on When Coaching Someone

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The opportunities for coaching people are vast. Here is a detailed list of the top ten things you can coach someone on.

8-Steps to Creating a Coaching Culture by Keith RosenThe Gap is the space that exists between where someone is today and where they want or need to be. What I have found is that the gap represents several key indicators or areas of opportunity that you can coach someone around. Below is the top ten things you can coach someone on.

1. The Who: Values, passions, standards, boundaries, integrity and so on

2. Their Attitude: Belief, mindset, philosophy, outlook or assumptions.

3. The Lesson: What have they learned? Why are the same lessons repeating themselves? Are they getting it?

4. Ideal Characteristics:
The ideal qualities you have defined that encompass, for example, a sales leader or manager. (Extroverted, actionable, honest, strong communicator, accountable, curious, organized, strong integrity and presence, comfortable disposition, smart, responsive, and so on.)

5. The Skill: Is there a missing discipline or one that needs further development?

6. The Activity: Are they engaging in the activities that support their goals?

7. The Strategy: How do they plan on achieving the intended result? What resources are needed?

8. Their Commitment: Are you noticing their energy level, enthusiasm or motivation waning?

9. Their Communication: The language, dialogue or communication regarding style, delivery, presence and disposition.

10. Their Relationships: The relationships they have with intangible concepts and feelings as well as with their stories and S.C.A.M.M.s., (I cover this in great detail in Chapter Four of, Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions.) You can even coach someone around their relationship with fear, confidence, time and self management, self worth, rejection, call reluctance, their drama, their diversionary tactics and so on.

Photo credit: Mark Hunter