13 Radical Resolutions to Create Your Best Year Yet

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To reach your goals with the least amount of effort, start with upgrading your attitude to achieve greater results. Here are 13 things you can do to make this your best year yet!

8-Steps to Creating a Coaching Culture by Keith RosenWith the dramatic changes we endure in society, it’s no wonder that many of us are asking ourselves, “Now what do I do?” while looking for more order and certainty in an uncertain world.

Creating goals brings the opportunity for change. For many us, goal setting is a chance to think of what we can do better. Often these goals are the same ones that we make or the ones we only stick to for a few weeks.

If it’s ever been a struggle to create what you want most in life, you should consider that your goals and the strategy to achieve them may not serve you best. Below is a list of 13 steps you can take to help you hit what you aim for rather than simply hoping for the best.

1. Quit Tolerating

To attract new and better opportunities and results, first clear out what’s clogging up your life to create the space for the better stuff to show up. List the things you’re putting up with that limit productivity, cause stress and waste time and energy. Then determine what needs to happen to eliminate these tolerances. If you no longer accept being dragged down by unwanted events, problems or other people’s behavior, you’ll stop wasting time managing situations that shouldn’t be there anyway.

2. Play Your Game

The best game to play is the one where you make up your own rules. If you’re encountering resistance in reaching some goals, chances are it’s either something you really don’t want to be doing, an old goal that may not serve you or you’re operating from someone else’s agenda! Take the time to discover what YOU truly want by aligning your goals with the priorities in your life rather than the “Shoulds.”

3. Create A Winning Routine

Busy with tasks that consume you? Feel that you’re fighting the clock? Design a weekly routine that complements your goals so you can focus on the activities that support your objectives and enhance your lifestyle. This includes planning for the unplanned as well. Develop a healthier relationship with time by underpromising on personal/professional deadlines so that time becomes your ally instead of your adversary. To get weekly updates on how to develop a highly effective routine, get organized, eliminate distractions, reduce stress, and manage your tasks in order to reach and exceed your goals subscribe to my newsletter here.

4. Have Fun

Let’s face it; this isn’t our practice life! Are you doing the things that bring you the most joy? Find time every day that’s yours. Shift your binoculars around to magnify your achievements rather than what you didn’t do. Otherwise, when’s the big payoff?

5. Deepen Your Learning

While we attract what we need to learn, we often resist the lessons. If similar problems keep reappearing, we missed the lesson. To accelerate success, learn from every experience and person in order to grow and move onto a new and better path.

6. Expand Your Vision

What does your ideal life look like? The fact is, we never grow past what we feel is possible. Let go of your current perceptions that are inhibiting your ability to explore greater possibilities and achieve more. Clarify what success looks like in every area of your life (career, relationships, health, environment, etc.). It’s a lot easier to create something great when you know exactly what you’re looking for. Besides, it’s your canvass. What masterpiece do you want to create?

7. Transcend Your Beliefs

The Korean memorial says, “Freedom is not free.” This holds true for our thoughts as well. Old limiting beliefs often keep us prisoner, preventing us from creating greater successes. Your outlook determines your outcome. So if you believe, “The past is responsible for the quality of my life today,” “Success requires sacrifice,” or “This is as good as it gets,” consider challenging these assumptions and replacing them with healthier ones that would better serve you. Upgrade and direct your beliefs without them controlling you. (Otherwise, we’d still believe that our flat Earth is the center of the universe.).

8. Do Complete Work

You don’t have to achieve every goal at once. Instead of stopping and starting something, pick one thing you want to change, create or finish and commit to seeing it through to completion. Then move on to the next project. Otherwise, consider that you may be an adrenaline junkie and love the rush associated when working on overdrive. To prevent sporadic results and a pile of unfinished projects, get off the adrenaline train and start creating the momentum that produces consistent, long lasting results.

9. Focus On the Present

Although goal setting is productive, during our quest to achieve more we often lose sight of what is occurring today, preventing us from enjoying the hidden gifts or treasures that are already present in our lives. Keep focused on what is occurring now as opposed to what happened yesterday or what will be in the future. Live for today while planning for tomorrow.

10. Fear-less

Much of life’s decisions are governed by fear. We always want more but fear prevents us from taking risks, so we continually produce similar results. We resist what we need to learn the most, preventing growth by staying within what’s familiar and safe. Resisting the fear of the unknown paralyzes our efforts to create greater opportunities for ourselves. Realize that you cannot fail, you can only produce unexpected results; results that you can grow from in order to create new possibilities. Only personal and professional profitability can evolve from new possibility. To accelerate your evolution, embrace fear. Since fear is the negative assumption of the outcome, shift your focus towards the positive outcome or what you DO want to manifest, instead of what you are looking to avoid.

11. Amplify Your Awareness

Our society is recognizing more and more that there is greater pleasure in simplifying one’s life, as opposed to filling it with chaos, to-do lists, goal setting, or trying to keep up with overloaded schedules that result in keeping us buried in trivial tasks. We want less clutter and more clarity to see the magnificence life offers right front of us. To become more, desire less in your life. Awareness is evolutionary since it’s derived from a deeper connection to truth and our authentic self, and truth is the gateway to inner peace. When you have the ability to tap into this higher level of awareness, then and only then can you live a richer and rewarding life without struggle, resistance or sacrifice. Growing back to where we came, to a more simplistic form, (a child) will re- ignite and amplify our senses and our passion to explore the wonders within our lives.

12. Choose to Be Fully Accountable-For Everything!

Life works a whole lot easier when we do what we say we’re going to do. Having a personal coach in your corner builds in this kind of focused discipline and accountability that allows you to honor all of these resolutions and create the life you want to live today. A coach becomes your accountability partner and helps you tap into the most powerful tool we have at our disposal – The power of choice. However, there is no choice without awareness (#11). Awareness creates choice. To tap into your fullest potential, exercise choice. Otherwise, you’ll feel confined or powerless to make changes, allowing situations, circumstances or other people to influence you. Choosing to become fully accountable for what we draw into and manifest in our lives creates the space for our personal evolution to occur.

13. Express Your Authenticity

The two fundamental parts to each person, the Self and Ego, battle for the drivers seat in our life. The ego makes choices concerned with the outside world and achievements, defining who we are by what we have or do. The self makes choices based on our values, strengths, and passions. The ego can be the elusive thief of your true identity. The self is the authentic reflection of who we are and what we really want. It is the self that is satisfied in the present, without being attached to future accomplishments the ego needs to make their life worthwhile or held back by past events/regrets in our life. When we authentically express who we are, (not who we think we are) we can share ourselves with others, without the fear of being vulnerable. You’ll notice how much deeper your connection with other people becomes when you shift the focus away from yourself and onto others. And you’ll add value to people’s lives naturally, without effort or sacrifice, often a result of the ego’s self- serving agenda. To evolve and live a richer, more fulfilling life, focus more on who you who you are, rather than what you do.

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