Well, the votes are in from Top10SalesArticles.com regarding an article I had written which they were interested in republishing on their site entitled, Why Should I Talk to You? and it looks like your humble blogger’s article was named the 2007 Sales Sales Article Of The Year!
From the three hundred and sixty articles which received nominations during 2007, my article Why Should I Talk to You? was the winner.
I’d like to first congratulate all of the finalists for producing such excellent work, thanks to the Top Sales Experts adjudication panel for their dedication and commitment to this project and thank you all for your support in making this article #1.
Well, it’s back to writing more content for 2008. The first set of nominated articles will appear on top10salesarticles.com on Sunday January 6th, so be sure to come back and join them as they kick-start the 2008 competition.
I wish you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.