[Video] Building Trust Through Coaching and the Law of Reciprocity


Learn how to earn your team’s full trust and create immediate buy in around change, coaching, observation and your requests by leveraging the Law of Reciprocity in your communication. It all starts with the manager – and your ability to be authentically and consistently human.

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Complete transcript taken from a live Q & A session in Phoenix.

8-Steps to Creating a Coaching Culture by Keith RosenI’m a big believer in the Law of Reciprocity. Which is, “If I model the type of relationship, behavior, communication, trust, openness and authenticity I want to see in my people, this will subsequently stimulate the behavior and trust that I want from others.” Keep in mind, the changes you want to see start with you. For example:

“You observe me; I’m open to your feedback. Subsequently you’ll be open to me observing you and my feedback.” “Let me coach you, while you coach me as well.” “Let me share with you my goals and values.” Then you’ll be more open to sharing yours with me.”

This type of behavior stimulates the law of reciprocity. It builds trust. As a direct report, this shows me that you’re actually human, trustworthy and  authentic.

If I was to go around the room and ask each of you why you are a manager, my sense is that you’ll probably say something like, “Well…I like to help people. I like to help people succeed. I like to make an impact. It’s no longer just about me anymore. It’s bigger than the one. I like to help people achieve their goals collectively. And I care so much about people. I’m passionate about developing people.”

Then, after work at 5 o’clock, like right now, this sounds great when we don’t have any responsibilities or pressure coming at you, doesn’t it? And then we’ll get thrown back into work tomorrow and all of a sudden, reality hits us. We sort of forget why we became a manager in the first place when we’re so inundated with putting out fires and constantly in that state of reaction.

However, you’re always at choice as to how you respond to the pressures, situations and events in your life. Exercise choice, the greatest power that we as human beings have at our disposal.

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