Fifteen Blessings That I’m Grateful For Every Day

Read this with an open mind and an open heart, and you’ll see how very blessed you truly are.

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Every Blessing Counts

I wasn’t going to share this as an article but for my own exercise in self-reflection. However, once I wrote it, I felt compelled to share this with you, so that it has the positive impact on your life the way it did on mine.

That is, to stop and reflect on what we are deeply thankful for to help you re-calibrate your values and priorities so you can focus on what really matters, and the daily miracles right in front of you that are often stepped over and taken for granted until they are taken from us.

Thanksgiving is Every Day

The Gift of Perspective

We can’t control all of the events in our life, but we always have the power to choose how we respond to them.

If we don’t stop to appreciate what is, and we’re continually putting pressure on ourselves to achieve what’s NEXT; that goal in the future – we miss out on what’s NOW; today. Being intentionally mindful of what makes your life worth living keeps you away from wallowing in the recipe of regret.

Want Less – Be More

How to Avoid Living with Regret

So, for the times you were in a position where you felt life was unfair, had an argument with someone you care about, held a grudge, didn’t get that promotion you wanted, lost a customer, got stuck in traffic, missed a flight, scratched your car, had a bad meal, felt overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities being thrown at you, didn’t meet your yearly sales or income goal, weren’t able to take a vacation, were disappointed because people weren’t meeting your expectations, or got mad at your kids for just being children, here’s a different perspective.

“The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time” – James Taylor

Here are 15 blessings that keep me grounded and grateful, and make me realize these are the things that make my life perfect the way it is.

There’s no practice life or dress rehearsal. All we have is the moment.

15 Blessings I’m Grateful For that Make My Life Perfect

1. I’m grateful for my family, how closely connected we are and how genuinely close my children are to each other; as siblings and friends.

2. I’m grateful for my three children who never cease to amaze me with what they accomplish; how giving, compassionate and wise they are beyond their years, who are my greatest teachers, my fountain of gratitude, for the difference they make in the world, and who are my reason for living. They are pure joy, shine brilliantly like the stars, radiate inspiration, love and are always there to support each other and the people in their lives. They make my heart glow with love and pride, and I am in awe of them every day. They make me a better person.

3. I’m grateful for the moments I steal. And as my children get older, I learned that quality time doesn’t always have to be an event. It could be a conversation at dinner, a ride to grab a quick meal or get a cup of coffee, the sharing of our daily experiences before going to bed, drive time in the car, watching them smile, laugh and interact with each other and with their friends, or just being in the same room with them so I can be in their presence.

4. I’m grateful for my wife and for everything she does every day. For keeping our family together. For taking on the role of Chief Home Officer. For being the caring, beautiful, brilliant, loving wife who keeps me focused on the important things, even the times when she has to smack me back into a state of reality ;-), to be humble and to get out of my own head; (an occupational hazard being an author.) She breathes life and sunshine into my days and into my heart. She helps me stay true to myself and my priorities. Yes, I am deeply fortunate that the only girl I’d ever want to spend the rest of my life with decided to marry me.

The Greatest Gift of All – The Present, since today is where your life happens.

5. I’m grateful for my friends, both new and the ones I’ve known for most of my life; for always having my back, and for the years of fun, craziness, and laughter. I’m grateful for them calling me out when I need to be, how well they know me, for being a sounding board, for supporting me, and even kicking me when I’m down (and probably when I needed it anyway). They know me like brothers and keep me humble. After all, that’s what friends are for.

If you really want to measure your most significant accomplishments, just look at the people around you who make your life worthwhile. That’s when you know how blessed you are.

6. I’m grateful for my parents, who have shaped my values and my character. I feel so blessed they are with me today and that I have the chance to spend time with them every week.

7. I’m grateful for being able to give back to those who are struggling with getting through each day, who may not know where their next job or meal may come from, who can easily be the forgotten, and for making them feel they matter, they’re important, and there are people who care about them.

8. I’m grateful for those who benefit from my work, for my clients, and for having the most rewarding job in the world;  helping people create the joy, fulfillment, peace, relationships, health, well-being, financial security, and purpose that would enable them to live their ideal life. Thank you for allowing me to honor my core value of making an impact by contributing to your success.

9. I’m grateful for my health and the core value or extreme self-care that I continually honor.

10. I’m grateful for being able to wake up every day next to my soulmate, and having eyes to look out the window and embrace the gift of another day. I appreciate the magnificence of a sunrise, a sunset, a rainbow, the fall of winter’s first snow. I’m mindful of the importance of taking the time to stop, even to dance in the rain.

11. I’m grateful for the bed I sleep in. I’m grateful for being able to get out of my own bed and walk.

12. I’m grateful for being a U.S. citizen, and for the men and women in the armed forces who protect us and our freedom.

13. I’m grateful for living in a safe and lovely neighborhood.

14. I’m grateful to have a home to live in, food to eat, water to drink, and clothes to wear.

15. I’m grateful for the simplicity of life; to want less and be more. To live from my higher self and values, rather than being driven by ego.

Embracing the power of acceptance is the secret to achieving peace of mind and living a profound life. Appreciate what is, rather than how you feel it should or could be.

Gratitude Last Forever

When life gets in the way; the daily challenges, stresses, or responsibilities, it’s easy to get distracted and lose perspective on what really matters.

My wish for you is to recognize the gifts, the magnificence, and the beauty that surrounds you. Sometimes, the most cherished gifts are the most difficult to see, especially when they’re right in front of us or, we don’t fully appreciate them until they’re gone.

Take Inventory to Recognize Your Perfect Life Today

Put time aside and make an inventory list of what you are grateful for. You’ll be surprised long your list is. Once you do this, don’t file it away. Make it a recurring appointment in your calendar to read. Schedule this “Gratitude Reminder” at least once a week, so it becomes a constant reminder to stay true to your guiding principles, values, and goals and the things that breathe happiness, purpose, fulfillment, and peace into your life.

This holiday season, I wish you extreme success, health, peace, joy, purpose, and love, and to recognize that which you have today that counts.


P.S. – I’m personally taking on 10 coaching clients for my private practice. (I’ll never top coaching leaders, whether in a coach training course or one on one. It’s too much fun and way too rewarding!) If you’re interested, make sure we’re connected on LinkedIn,  so that you can send me a note, or email me at and we’ll schedule a call to see if there’s a fit.