Underperformance costs companies billions of dollars each year. The Gallup organization reports nearly 81% of employees are actively disengaged and only ONE out of TEN managers possess the skills and talent to manage and coach. The typical approach to address performance issues is implementing the HR compliant PIP (Performance Improvement Plan), which DOES NOT work, creates more damage in its wake, encourages fear, manipulation, bias, and burns most employees out.
In this 45-minute session, we’re going to discuss how to:
• REMOTELY Leverage a 30-Day Coaching Strategy to AVOID your company’s HR compliant Performance Improvement Plan.
• Reduce attrition, and increase positive retention.
• Coach toxic people to create a healthier attitude.
• Improve team engagement, and achieve sales goals.
• Avoid ever having to fire someone again.
• Create a strong brand and legacy as a leader you would be proud o